CC BY-SA 4.0Gotzler, FelixFelixGotzlerNachtigall, NicoNicoNachtigallKrauß, KonstantinKonstantinKrauß2024-07-122024-07-122024 study quantifies the reduction in external costs and changes in travel times resulting from the shift from car use to intermodal travel in Munich, based on real-world tracking data. By re-routing all car trips and calculating the travel times, distances, and externalities of alternative modes, we demonstrate that without increasing travel time, external costs can be reduced by 21 %, and by up to 77 % if a doubling of travel time is accepted. These findings highlight the significant benefits of intermodal mobility for urban transportation planning and underline its importance as a viable alternative to the private car.enExternal costsGPS tracking dataSustainable transportationIntermodal mobilitySubstituting Car Trips: Does Intermodal Mobility Decrease External Costs and how does it Affect Travel Times? An Analysis Based on GPS Tracking Datajournal article