CC BY 4.0Algergawy, AlsayedAlsayedAlgergawyKaram, NaouelNaouelKaramLaadhar, AmirAmirLaadharMichel, FranckFranckMichel2023-03-062023-03-062022 the introduction of a new matching task at the biodiversity and ecology track of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI), to align between two large taxonomies, we acknowledged the fact that large ontologies or taxonomies still cannot be efficiently tackled by state-of-the-art ontology matching systems. In this paper, we take advantage of structural specificities of taxonomies to devise a strategy for deviding large scale taxonomy matching tasks into smaller, more manageable subtasks. Our modularization approach is based on a locality-based module extraction technique. We conducted a first assessment of the coverage of the obtained modules as well as a preliminary evaluation using a set of tools from OAEI.enontology matchinglarge taxonomiesNCBITAXONTAXREF-LDToo big to match: a strategy around matching tasks for large taxonomiesconference paper