May, ChristianChristianMayTörker, MichaelMichaelTörkerHesse, JanJanHesseHauptmann, JacquelineJacquelineHauptmannKeibler-Willner, ClaudiaClaudiaKeibler-WillnerPhilipp, AndréAndréPhilippWieczorek, MartinMartinWieczorek2022-03-062022-03-062020 lighting technology offers huge possibilities for novel lighting products. Large volume commercial success can only be achieved if unique design possibilities are consequently employed in novel application scenarios and cost effective roll-to-roll production technology. The unique design options of OLED technology as well as the current status of roll-to-roll technology are therefore described in detail. Special focus is given on patterning methods.enOLEDRoll-to-Roll manufacturing6206676708-3: Invited Paper: OLED Lighting Design and Roll-to-Roll Manufacturingjournal article