Under CopyrightWurster, SebastianSebastianWursterSchrabback, M.M.SchrabbackLeibold, MarvinMarvinLeibold2022-03-1326.6.20182018https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/40071110.24406/publica-fhg-400711Manganin pressure gauges are used to measure pressures up to tens of GPa and are commonly used in impact or detonation experiments to get time resolved pressure measurements at a specified location. The measurements rely on the property of manganin to change its electrical resistance under pressure. To convert the measured electrical signal to a pressure signal a calibration of the manganin gauges is necessary. In this work two different calibrations of commercial manganin gauges have been tested by impact experiments. It was found that only one of the calibrations describes the results of our experiments.en660Experimental calibration of manganin pressure gaugesconference paper