Klein, FlorianFlorianKleinSurdu, TatianaTatianaSurduAretz, ArthurArthurAretzBirth, KilianKilianBirthEdelmann, NiklasNiklasEdelmannSeitelman, FlorianFlorianSeitelmanZiener, ChristianChristianZienerWerner, StephanStephanWernerSporer, ThomasThomasSporer2023-08-182023-08-182022https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/4483802-s2.0-85136324399In this contribution, an open-source dataset of captured spatial room impulse responses (SRIRs) is presented. The data was collected in different enclosed spaces at the Technische Universität Ilmenau using an open self-build microphone array design following the spatial decomposition method (SDM) guidelines. The included rooms were selected based on their distinctive acoustical properties resulting from their general build and furnishing as required by their utility. Three different classes of spaces can be distinguished, including seminar rooms, offices, and classrooms. For each considered space different source-receiver positions were recorded, including 360◦ images for each condition. The dataset can be utilized for various augmented or virtual reality applications, using either a loudspeaker or headphone-based reproduction alongside the appropriate head-related transfer function sets. The complete database, including the measured impulse responses as well as the corresponding images, is publicly available.enA dataset of measured spatial room impulse responses in different rooms including visualizationjournal article