Essendorfer, BarbaraBarbaraEssendorferKuwertz, AchimAchimKuwertzSander, JenniferJenniferSander2022-03-142022-03-142018 superiority is a key factor in maintaining nation's security. Sensors and information systems produce huge quantities of data and the challenge is to identify, access and use relevant information in time. Operational processes as defined within Joint ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) and the Intelligence Cycle need to be supported by adequate solutions. The Coalition Shared Data (CSD) concept provides a solution by enabling more efficient information management processes. Information products are here produced in a network of physically distributed sites by systems and services from different nations and vendors in an interoperable way through the usage of standardized coordinated services, interfaces and formats. Techniques of data and information fusion can be added at the system level, other information can be integrated through semantic world models. To ensure data integrity multilevel security measures need to be combined with the existing concept. Information quality management (IQM) on service and system level is needed to ensure interpretability and confidence and to enhance user acceptance. The paper describes the CSD concept based on STANAG (NATO Standardization Agreement) 4559 Edition 4 and connects it to operational processes. It addresses multilevel security requirements and examines how IQM can add to information confidence in a distributed multinational cooperation.en004670Distributed Information Management through Coalition Shared Dataconference paper