Poggel, BenediktBenediktPoggelQuetschlich, NilsNilsQuetschlichBurgholzer, LukasLukasBurgholzerWille, RobertRobertWilleLorenz, Jeanette MiriamJeanette MiriamLorenz2023-09-282023-09-282023https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/45111710.1109/QSW59989.2023.00017Solving real-world optimization problems with quantum computing requires choosing between a large number of options concerning formulation, encoding, algorithm and hardware. Finding good solution paths is challenging for end users and researchers alike. We propose a framework designed to identify and recommend the best-suited solution paths in an automated way. This introduces a novel abstraction layer that is required to make quantum-computing-assisted solution techniques accessible to end users without requiring a deeper knowledge of quantum technologies. State-of-the-art hybrid algorithms, encoding and decomposition techniques can be integrated in a modular manner and evaluated using problem-specific performance metrics. Equally, tools for the graphical analysis of variational quantum algorithms are developed. Classical, fault tolerant quantum and quantum-inspired methods can be included as well to ensure a fair comparison resulting in useful solution paths. We demonstrate and validate our approach on a selected set of options and illustrate its application on the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). We also identify crucial requirements and the major design challenges for the proposed abstraction layer within a quantum-assisted solution workflow for optimization problems.enquantum computingapplied optimizationhybrid quantum-classical algorithmvariational quantum algorithmdesign automationabstraction layerRecommending Solution Paths for Solving Optimization Problems with Quantum Computingconference paper