Wetzig, AndreasAndreasWetzigSaveliev, MaximMaximSavelievKrasnov, ViktorViktorKrasnovMahrle, AchimAchimMahrleHerwig, PatrickPatrickHerwigJavelle, CécileCécileJavelleLeyens, ChristophChristophLeyensMolitor, NorbertNorbertMolitor2022-03-062022-03-062020https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/266120Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) has been contributing to various research and development (R&D) activities such as the fundamental research of nuclear materials/fuels, safety R&D of power reactors, and radioisotope production since the beginning of the operation in 1968. JMTR, however, was decided as one of decommission facilities in April 2017 and it is taken an inspection of a plan concerning decommissioning because the performance of JMTR does not confirm with the stipulated earthquake resistance. As aluminum and beryllium are used for the core structural materials in JMTR, it is necessary to establish treatment methods of these materials for the fabrication of stable wastes. In addition, a treatment method for the accumulated spent ion-exchange resins needs to be examined. This reports describes the overview of the examination situations.ja621671Prospects of laser cutting for lava-like fuel-containing materials (LFCM) management at the Chornobyl nuclear power plantjournal article