Wilkin, H.-J.H.-J.WilkinPegel, R.R.PegelSchmidt, A.A.Schmidt2022-03-032022-03-032006https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/212423With the partial project "loading and transport" the DSK pursued the aim of optimising security of supply to the underground areas where materials are required and increasing transport efficiency. On the one hand the processes of optimised loading for delivery underground together with availability in the sidings according to requirements and on the other hand the guarantee of efficient transport to the customer both with consideration of optimum utilisation of the available transport resources as well as a suitable management of empty containers were in the forefront.de658622Optimierung der gesamten Logistikkette bei der DSK - Vorstellung des Teilprojekts "Verladung und Transport"Wilkin, Pegel and Schmidt: Optimisation of the entire logistics chain at DSK - Introduction of the partial project "Loading and transport"journal article