Under CopyrightWietschel, MartinVespermann, DorisDorisVespermannThielmann, SaschaSaschaThielmann2023-11-102023-11-102023https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/456764https://doi.org/10.24406/publica-214210.24406/publica-2142In the upcoming ramp-up of a global hydrogen economy, effects are conceivable through which the development of an (at least partially) export-oriented hydrogen economy inhibits the energy transition locally in the producing countries. As a result, the emission reductions achieved globally through the production and use of green hydrogen may be lower than assumed. Clarification of the role of hydrogen in the respective national energy transition is still in its infancy in many countries. Being more aware of the opportunities and risks is a first step towards proactively steering policy. By compiling possible interactions between national energy transitions and international hydrogen partnerships in eight different country contexts, this working paper therefore provides a basis that should be taken into account in the further design of the political and regulatory framework for the development of a sustainable, global hydrogen economy.enSustainability criteriaLocal energy transitionImport strategyInternational hydrogen partnershipsInterdependencies between national energy transitions and international hydrogen cooperationWechselwirkungen zwischen nationalen Energiewenden und internationalen Wasserstoffkooperationenreport