Pennekamp, JanJanPennekampMatzutt, RomanRomanMatzuttKlinkmüller, ChristopherChristopherKlinkmüllerBader, LennartLennartBaderSerror, MartinMartinSerrorWagner, EricEricWagnerMalik, SidraSidraMalikSpiß, MariaMariaSpißRahn, JessicaJessicaRahnGürpinar, TanTanGürpinarVlad, EduardEduardVladLeemans, Sander J.Sander J.LeemansKanhere, SalilSalilKanhereStich, VolkerVolkerStichWehrle, KlausKlausWehrle2023-12-222023-12-222023 chains form the backbone of modern economies and therefore require reliable information flows. In practice, however, supply chains face severe technical challenges, especially regarding security and privacy. In this work, we consolidate studies from supply chain management, information systems, and computer science from 2010–2021 in an interdisciplinary meta-survey to make this topic holistically accessible to in terdisciplinary research. In particular, we identify a significant potential for computer scientists to remedy technical challenges and improve the robustness of information flows. We subsequently present a concise information flow-focused taxonomy for supply chains before discussing future research directions to provide possible entry points.enInformation FlowsSupply Chain ManagementAn Interdisciplinary Survey on Information Flows in Supply Chainsjournal article