Under CopyrightTagliabue, C.C.TagliabueWeiser, VolkerVolkerWeiserImiolek, AndreasAndreasImiolekBohn, Manfred A.Manfred A.BohnHeintz, ThomasThomasHeintzGettwert, VolkerVolkerGettwert2022-03-1312.7.20162016https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/39242310.24406/publica-fhg-392423Solid rocket motors are today the most cost effective, competitive and reliable propulsion technology for space launch systems. State of the art solid rocket propellants are based on the oxidizer ammonium perchlorate, (AP), and the fuel aluminum powder, embedded in an elastomeric polymer binder matrix. Unfortunately, AP has a negative impact on the environment and on personal health due to ozone depletion, thyroid gland interference and acid rain formation. The paper discusses first results of propellant formulations in which the oxidizer AP is replaced by a mixture of the new green high energy density oxidizer ammonium dinitramide (ADN), in combination with the low cost oxidizer ammonium nitrate (AN). It focuses on the burning behavior and stability issues of aluminized ADN/AN propellants with different oxidizer ratios of ADN and AN embedded in an energetic or inert binder systems. Parts of the work were performed within the frame of the GRAIL project [1]. Further information about the project can be found in the paper V23 in this conference ""GRAIL: A European initiative to develop green solid propellant for launchers"" presented by Niklas Wingborg.enBurning behavior of AN/ADN propellantsconference paper