Hoerauf, P.P.HoeraufEndruschat, A.A.EndruschatMaerz, M.M.Maerz2022-05-062022-05-062021https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/416918The internal body diode of Silicon Carbide (SiC)-MOSFETs shows a small reverse recovery charge but a large forward voltage drop. In a converter that operates in continuous-conduction-mode (CCM) with synchronous rectification, the losses due to this forward voltage drop are neglectable. To maintain high efficiency under light-load in discontinuous-conduction mode (DCM) either an external SiC Schottky-Barrier-Diode (SBD) in parallel to the body diode or small phase currents are required. Both result in low rectifying losses. In this work an option to operate a SBD-less SiC-based half bridge buck/boost converter in light-load but also with high efficiency is examined. It is tested in a high power density (7.5 kW/kg) buck/boost converter.en670620530Comparison between forced CCM and DCM on low load efficiency of a sic based DC/DC converterconference paper