Kersken, MatthiasMatthiasKerskenHeusler, IngoIngoHeuslerStrachan, PaulPaulStrachan2022-05-062022-05-062015 document describes the development of a full-scale empirical validation dataset for building energy simulation tools. This development is part of the IEA ECB ANNEX 58 "Reliable building energy performance characterization based on full scale dynamic measurement" (ANNEX 58 Homepage). The validation method consists of a set of high quality measurement data and a precise documentation of all boundary conditions. This enables a user to create a very complete model of the different validation scenarios. The results of this model can be compared to the real measurement data. Because of the detailed modelling the remaining deviations should indicate the limitations of the tool under investigation. The definition of the scenarios consists of extensive weather data and a detailed description of the building geometry, components compositions, thermal bridges, air tightness, ventilation, etc.en690Full scale empirical validation for building energy simulation programsconference paper