Scholl, W.W.Scholl2022-03-082022-03-081998 method involves producing a temperature difference between two chambers (1,2) which are segregated by the separating component (3,4). This will be such that one surface of the component is warmer than the other surfaces. The temperature distribution on at least one of the two surfaces is then determined. The acoustic bridge (5) or link is located as being at a region where the surface temperature deviates most from the surface temperature of the remaining areas. One of the two chambers is cooled to set up the required temperature difference. USE - For multiple shell flat components separating two chambers. ADVANTAGE - Eliminates component damage and excludes faulty interpretations of acoustic link locations.de608624690Verfahren zum Lokalisieren von SchallbrueckenAcoustic link or bridge location method - producing temperature difference between chambers so one surface of separating component is warmer than the other and determining temperature distribution on at least one component surface.patent1996-19644097