Maurer, ChristophChristophMaurerKuhn, Tilmann E.Tilmann E.Kuhn2022-03-054.8.20172017 building envelopes have provided cost reductions of 40% compared to the separate installation of solar collectors on a building envelope. However, solar building envelopes are more complex than conventional building envelopes due to their additional solar function. Firstly, the paper explains this complexity before describing methods of handling it. The focus of the simulation models is to obtain high levels of accuracy at low costs. From the development of innovative solar envelopes to the general planning and construction of solar architecture, this paper provides seven recommendations to optimize the cost-benefit ratio of simulations of active building envelopes.enThermische Anlagen und Gebäudetechnikbuilding-integrated photovoltaics (bipv)building-integrated solar systems (BISS)building integrated solar thermal systems (bist)solar architecturesolar building envelopesPhotovoltaikGebäudeenergietechnikPhotovoltaische Module und KraftwerkeThermische Kollektoren und KomponentenGebäudehülle621697Modelling of active solar building envelopes for cost-effective evaluationjournal article