CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Schmaltz, ThomasThomasSchmaltzHartmann, FelixFelixHartmannWicke, TimTimWickeWeymann, LukasLukasWeymannNeef, ChristophChristophNeefJanek, JürgenJürgenJanek2023-10-162024-09-232023-10-162023‐state batteries are considered as a reasonable further development of lithium‐ion batteries with liquid electrolytes. While expectations are high, there are still open questions concerning the choice of materials, and the resulting concepts for components and full cells. On the basis of an analysis of all materials and concept options, a roadmap for solid‐state batteries is presented, relying on both literature survey and experts' opinions. Diverse cell concepts with different solid electrolytes may be developed up to the commercial level, yet there are still major uncertainties concerning production routes, safety as well as cost. As one of the key developments, it appears that hybrid material and cell concepts may be particularly successful on the way to commercialization.enA Roadmap for Solid‐State Batteriesjournal article