CC BY 4.0Wessels, AndreasAndreasWesselsCallies, AdrianAdrianCalliesBläsi, BenediktBenediktBläsiKroyer, ThomasThomasKroyerHöhn, OliverOliverHöhn2022-09-232022-09-232022Note-ID: 00009062 present a method for modeling the optical properties of interference layer systems on structured surfaces as used in the MorphoColor technology for coloring integrated photovoltaic modules. By combining a microfacet-based bidirectional scattering distribution function model with a transfer matrix formalism, we can simulate the spectrally resolved reflection and transmission properties of the system in good agreement with measurement data. To consider the MorphoColor technology in an overall optical system and compare the application on the front side of the module glass with the application in the composite, the model is additionally combined with a formalism called Optical Properties of Textured Optical Sheets. For a representative illumination and viewing geometry, the composite configuration causes a significantly improved homogeneity of the color appearance.enModeling the optical properties of Morpho-inspired thin-film interference filters on structured surfacesjournal article