CC BY 4.0Pracucci, A.A.PracucciMagnagni, SaraSaraMagnagniVandi, L.L.VandiCasadei, O.O.CasadeiUriarte, A.A.UriarteBueno Unzeta, BrunoBrunoBueno UnzetaVavallo, M.M.Vavallo2022-03-0621.4.20212020 nearly Zero Energy building (nZEB) renovation market is currently the key feature in the construction sector. RenoZEB aims to develop a systematic approach for retrofitting by assembling different technologies in a plug and play building envelope. This paper presents the methodology used to transform the RenoZEB concept in the design system. A multi-criteria decision matrix is used for the selection of the best façade technologies within the market while the analysis of the existing building conditions allows to develop a replicable approach for designing deep retrofitting intervention through a plug&play façade. The methodology appears to be a valuable support for the selection of technologies and allows to define a design guideline for the envelope.enThermische Systeme und Gebäudetechnikenergieeffizientes GebäudeGebäudehülle621697An Analytical Approach for the Selection of Technologies to be Integrated in a Plug&play Façade Unit. The RenoZEB Case Studyjournal article