Radulescu, Ligia JohannaLigia JohannaRadulescu2024-05-172024-05-172024-04https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/468446Ammonium dinitramide (ADN) is a breakthrough green oxidizer in solid rocket propellants and a promising candidate for replacing environmentally harmful ammonium perchlorate, which is why current research is focusing on propellant formulations with ADN. Spherical ADN particles are required for embedding in the matrix of a solid propellant. Fast and controllable crystallization is therefore crucial for the quality of the so-called ADN prills. The effect of various additives was tested and categorized according to their effect. For this purpose, ADN droplets were examined both in the isolated ADN melt droplet and in the emulsion crystallization process.encrystallization agentsmelt emulsionCrystallization agents for ADN melting dropletsconference paper