Under CopyrightWarnke, PhilinePhilineWarnkeSchirrmeister, ElnaElnaSchirrmeister2022-03-0828.8.20182018https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/29920710.24406/publica-fhg-299207This paper presents the methodology and findings from a Foresight process on the advancement of social sustainability in global value production networks. A methodology was developed that combines exploratory scenario development with elements from backcasting and normative scenario building in order to develop transformative transition pathways. The approach was applied in two scenario workshops one focusing on smartphone production the other on the textile sector. In total seven transition pathways were developed, five for smartphones and two for textiles. After explaining the methodology we present in detail the findings from both workshops. We then discuss implications for fostering transition towards more socially sustainable value production networks. Finally, we assess the lessons learned in terms of methodology and suggest further avenues of development for the transformative scenario building approach.en303600Transition-Scenarios towards socially sustainable global value chainsreport