Bleicher, ChristophKaufmann, HeinzHeim, RĂ¼diger2023-01-042023-01-042021 new Congress for intelligent Combining of Design, Casting, Computer Simulation, Checking and Cyclic Behaviour for efficient Cast Components (C(hoch)8) offers the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge in all of the disciplines involved in the product life cycle of cast components. The aim is to reach a shared understanding of the various requirements of effective and efficient cast products. The disciplines design and product development, structural durability, non-destructive component testing, foundry technology and simulation are on the agenda. Interdisciplinary design at the highest level. Papers focus on linking methods and competences from the various disciplines, with the aim of obtaining efficient, optimized cast components. Foundries, designers, users of cast components and experts in simulation, structural durability and non-destructive testing will benefit from this. The congress provides a view that goes beyond companies' own products and services, allowing consideration of other casting materials, new methods of component testing and dimensioning, and reliable designs optimized for lightweight construction. More information: engineeringmetals technology / metallurgytesting of materialsoptimized cast componentsnon-destructive testingfoundry technologystructural durabilitylightweight constructionproduct developmentfoundrydesignersusers of cast components and experts in simulationstructural durability and non-destructive testingproduct developer620InCeight Casting C(hoch)8 2021conference proceeding