Douissard, Paul AntoinePaul AntoineDouissardCecilia, AngelicaAngelicaCeciliaRochet, X.X.RochetChapel, X.X.ChapelMartin, Thierry G.Thierry G.MartinKamp, Thomas van deThomas van deKampHelfen, LukasLukasHelfenBaumbach, TiloTiloBaumbachLuquot, LindaLindaLuquotXiao, X.X.XiaoMeinhardt, JürgenJürgenMeinhardtRack, AlexanderAlexanderRack2022-03-042022-03-042012 X-ray detectors are of outstanding importance for high resolution imaging, especially at synchrotron light sources: while consisting mostly of components which are widely commercially available, they allow for a broad range of applications in terms of the X-ray energy employed, radiation dose to the detector, data acquisition rate and spatial resolving power. Frequently, an indirect detector consists of a thin-film single crystal scintillator and a high-resolution visible light microscope as well as a camera. In this article, a novel modular-based indirect design is introduced, which offers several advantages: it can be adapted for different cameras, i.e. different sensor sizes, and can be trimmed to work either with (quasi-)monochromatic illumination and the correspondingly lower absorbed dose or with intense white beam irradiation. In addition, it allows for a motorized quick exchange between different magnifications / spatial resolutions. Developed within the European project SCIN TAX, it is now commercially available. The characteristics of the detector in its different configurations (i.e. for low dose or for high dose irradiation) as measured within the SCIN TAX project will be outlined. Together with selected applications from materials research, non-destructive evaluation and life sciences they underline the potential of this design to make high resolution X-ray imaging widely available.enBildgebungDetektorRöntgenstrahlung666A versatile indirect detector design for hard X-ray microimagingjournal article