Jürgens, PatrickPatrickJürgensBrandes, JulianJulianBrandesKaiser, MarkusMarkusKaiserSenkpiel, CharlotteCharlotteSenkpielKost, ChristophChristophKost2023-06-152023-06-152023Note-ID: 000086BAhttps://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/442843There are multiple recent studies analysing the German energy transformation considering its national CO2 reduction goals, i.e. with the target of net-zero emissions in 2045. However, the national mitigation targets announced by the signing states of the Paris agreement are not sufficient to limit global warming to 1.5°C and more ambitious mitigation targets are needed. Additionally, even for reaching the mitigation targets from the German climate law, LCA studies indicate that we might reach critical points of supply for specific resources. A recent report of Acatech highlights the importance of reduction of energy demand to reach the German climate goals or to reinforce the mitigation targets to close the worldwide ambition gap. We further deepen the analysis on which role the reduction of energy demand by a change of lifestyle can play to either reduce pressure on resource supply or reinforce mitigation targets.enHow reduction of energy demand can help to reach or reinforce German mitigation targetspresentation