Bong, K.K.K.K.BongJoest, M.M.JoestQuix, ChristophChristophQuixAnwar, T.T.Anwar2022-03-122022-03-122014 guide system contain various information pertaining to exhibitors, products and events that are happening during the exhibitions. The system would be more useful if it is augmented with a recommender system. Our recommender system would recommend users a list of interesting exhibitors based on associations that mined from the web server logs. The recommendations are ranked based on various Objective Interestingness Measures (OIMs) that quantify the interestingness of an association. Due to data sparsity, some OIMs cannot provide distinct values for different rules and hamper the ranking process. In mobile applications, the ranking of recommendations is crucial because of the low real estate in mobile device screen sizes. We show that our system is able to select an OIM (from 50 OIMs) that would perform better than the regular Support-Confidence OIM. Our system is tested using data from exhibitions held in Germany.en004Automated interestingness measure selection for exhibition recommender systemsconference paper