Tcholtchev, NikolayNikolayTcholtchevDudeck, GritGritDudeckWagner, MichaelMichaelWagnerHein, ChristianChristianHeinPrakash, ArunArunPrakashRitter, TomTomRitter2022-03-122022-03-122014 Specific Languages (DSL) are an important concept that is used in industry, in order to enable the fast and cost efficient design of specific functions/components, and/or to target particular aspects of the systems' development and operation. In the current paper, we describe our experiences on the integration of the Modelica DSL into a platform that enables the integration and interoperability of model-based tools across the various phases of the system development process. Thereby, we present our approach, compare different tools which were used, in order to efficiently complete the integration, and finally exemplify the outcome on a case study from the automotive domain.enopen systemssoftware engineeringspecification languagesModelica DSLautomotive domaindomain specific languagesmodel-based tool interoperabilitymodel-based toolssystem development processsystems developmentsystems operationadaptation modelsDSLinteroperabilitymathematical modelobject oriented modelingUnified Modeling LanguageMDEModel BusModelicadomain specific languagesmodel driven engineeringmodelingtool interoperabilityIntegrating the Modelica DSL into a platform for model-based tool interoperabilityconference paper