CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Killinger, LukasLukasKillingerMajgaonkar, PranavPranavMajgaonkarHanich-Spahn, RonnyRonnyHanich-SpahnFlick, KlemensKlemensFlickHashmi, A. Stephen K.A. Stephen K.Hashmi2023-09-182023-09-182023-09 are one of the most important materials in our daily life. But a high demand, especially for single-use packaging materials like PET, leads to an increasing amount of plastic waste. In Germany, majority of this waste is incinerated to recover energy, resulting in tremendous greenhouse gas emissions.In order to reduce these emissions and to prevent resource scarcity, this study focusses on the development of new catalytic systems for chemical recycling of PET for the recovery of high value-added chemicals.enChemical RecyclingSolvolysisOrganocatalysisChemisches RecyclingSolvolyseOrganokatalyseCatalytic Depolymerisation of PETposter