Under CopyrightMittag, MaxMaxMittagZech, TobiasTobiasZechWiese, MartinMartinWieseBläsi, DavidDavidBläsiEbert, MatthieuMatthieuEbertWirth, HarryHarryWirth2022-03-1320.2.20182017https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/39978110.24406/publica-fhg-399781The interconnection of solar cells by shingling increases the active cell area in photovoltaic modules. Cell-to-module (CTM) gains and losses change significantly. We present models to calculate these gains and losses for shingled cells. Module efficiency and power can be increased with the shingle interconnection technology by +33Wpand+1.86%absin the analyzed design, when compared to common ribbon-based interconnection. While the CTM-ratio for efficiency improves due to shingling, the CTM-ratio for power is lower than for conventional modules with ribbon or wire cell interconnection.enphotovoltaisches ModulSysteme und ZuverlässigkeitPhotovoltaikPhotovoltaische Module und KraftwerkeModultechnologieModulCTMcell-to-moduleinterconnectionconcept621697Cell-to-Module (CTM) analysis for photovoltaic modules with shingled solar cellspresentation