Makedonski, PhilipPhilipMakedonskiGheorghe-Pop, Ilie-DanielIlie-DanielGheorghe-PopRennoch, AxelAxelRennochKristoffersen, FinnFinnKristoffersenPintar, BostjanBostjanPintarUlrich, AndreasAndreasUlrich2022-03-145.8.20202020 article reports on experiences from the use of the ETSI Test Description Language (TDL) and its extension for structured test objective specification (TDL-TO) for the definition of functional and non-functional test purposes in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain. The experiences are based on results from different working groups at ETSI TC MTS and the ETSI Specialist Task Force (STF) 574, focusing on the definition of test purposes for functional, security, and performance testing of the CoAP and MQTT protocols as well as VxLTE interoperability testing.entest descriptiontest purposessecurityperformanceinteroperabilityCoAPMQTTIoTVxLTE004Using TDL for Standardised Test Purpose Definitionsconference paper