Scholz, RobertRobertScholzTcholtchev, NikolayNikolayTcholtchevLämmel, PhilippPhilippLämmelSchieferdecker, InaInaSchieferdecker2022-03-1315.12.20172017 Cities will mainly emerge around the opening of large amounts of data, which are currently kept closed by various stakeholders within an urban ecosystem. This data requires to be cataloged and made available to the community, such that applications and services can be developed for citizens, companies and for optimizing processes within a city itself. In that scope, the current work seeks to develop concepts and prototypes, in order to enable and demonstrate, how data cataloging and data storage can be merged towards the provisioning of large amounts of data in urban environments. The developed concepts, prototype, case study and belonging evaluations are based on the integration of common technologies from the domains of Open Data and large scale data processing in data centers, namely CKAN and Hadoop.en004A CKAN plugin for data harvesting to the Hadoop distributed file systemconference paper