Schwarz, F.F.SchwarzBeckmann, R.R.BeckmannKohn, NorbertNorbertKohnNölker, S.S.NölkerKastl, S.S.KastlHofmann, MarcMarcHofmannFerré, R.R.FerréPernau, T.T.PernauWanka, HaraldHaraldWankaRentsch, JochenJochenRentsch2022-03-1212.4.20132012 has developed a novel plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) system combining both, high productivity and best coating quality. It is based on a high power plasma source (HPP) in a static process. At high power densities, plasma properties change as compared to conventional equipment resulting in an improved film forming mechanism. In the newly developed plasma source, gas conversion factors above 80% could be observed, being the key parameter for film deposition at high throughputs. In cooperation with Fraunhofer ISE the applicability of the system has been tested by analysing coating quality and performance of typical passivation layers on front and back side of standard solar cells. For single layer a-SiNx:H antireflection coatings, efficiencies equal to state-of-the-art cells could be obtained, 17.0% on multi and 18.6% on mono crystalline material. With an advanced layer stack a further increase of 0.1% is possible. Also back side passivation stacks of Al2O3 and SiNx have been produced and minority carrier life times of up to 1.3 ms could be obtained, corresponding to an effective surface recombination velocity of about 6.0 cm/s at illumination densities below 1 sun.enPV Produktionstechnologie und QualitätssicherungSilicium-PhotovoltaikProduktionsanlagen und Prozessentwicklung621697Advanced anti-reflection and passivation layer systems produced by high-power plasma in the new manz PECVD systemconference paper