Schlachetzki, A.A.Schlachetzki2022-03-082022-03-081986 devices, like modulators and switches, realized with InGaAsP lattice matched to InP are discussed. Basic phenomena, such as optical absorption, electro- and elasto-optic effects as well as the impact of free carriers on absorption and refractive index, are considered and described in their use with actually realized devices. Whereas the optical absorption seems not to be a main obstacle, the relatively large length of the devices will restrict their employment to the most essential functions.eniii-v semiconductorsindium compoundsintegrated opticsoptical modulationwaveguiding devicessemiconductorsmonolithic integrated optics technologyelectro-optical effectmodulatorsswitchesoptical absorptionelasto-optic effectsfree carriersabsorptionrefractive indexInGaAsP-InPinp621Monolithic IO-technology-modulators and switches based on InPconference paper