Cleven, Nina J.Nina J.ClevenMüntjes, Jutta A.Jutta A.MüntjesFassbender, HolgerHolgerFassbenderUrban, UteUteUrbanGörtz, MichaelMichaelGörtzVogt, HolgerHolgerVogtGräfe, MaikMaikGräfeGöttsche, ThorstenThorstenGöttschePenzkofer, TobiasTobiasPenzkoferSchmitz-Rode, ThomasThomasSchmitz-RodeMokwa, WilfriedWilfriedMokwa2022-03-042022-03-042012 paper presents a novel fully implantable wireless sensor system intended for long-term monitoring of hypertension patients, designed for implantation into the femoral artery with computed tomography angiography. It consists of a pressure sensor and a telemetric unit, which is wirelessly connected to an extracorporeal readout station for energy supply and data recording. The system measures intraarterial pressure at a sampling rate of 30 Hz and an accuracy of ±1.0 mmHg over a range of 30-300 mmHg, while consuming up to 300 µW. A special peel-away sheath introducer set was developed to support the implantation procedure. The system delivered stable measurements in initial animal trials in sheep, with results being in good agreement with reference sensor systems.enintelligente Implantateimplantierbarer DrucksensorBlutdruckmessungimplantable biomedical deviceshypertensionbiomedical monitoringblood-pressure measurementbiomedical electronicsbiomedical telemetry621610A novel fully implantable wireless sensor system for monitoring hypertension patientsjournal article