Alishov, RamazanRamazanAlishovSpähn, MichaelMichaelSpähnWitzmann, RolfRolfWitzmann2022-03-132022-03-132016 Co-Simulation in the paper aims to simulate a smart grid with its two components. The approach of a common co-simulation also provides new insights for both affected domains. In the domain of communication networks, new insights about the demands of such smart grid communication can be gathered. This concerns not only the data volume and timing questions, but also reliability issues. To investigate the behaviour of the combined electrical grid and the communication network, PSS SINCAL and OPNET simulators are combined and a direct load control algorithm is implemented and tested on German distribution network.entelecommunication network reliabilitycontrol engineering computingload regulationpower distribution controlpower distribution reliabilitypower system simulationsmart power gridsGerman distribution networkcosimulation architecturecentralised direct load controlsmart grid simulationelectrical gridcommunication networksPSS SINCAL simulatorOPNET simulator621Co-simulation architecture for centralised direct load control in smart gridconference paper