Rabe, MarkusClausen, Uwe2022-03-1215.10.20162015https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/389150For 30 years, the biannual ASIM Conference on Simulation in Production and Logistics presents new developments and interesting applications of simulation. This largest European simulation conference is well balanced between research, technical development and industrial use. Scientific innovation is discussed as well as the successful application in every day's business, with a total of 73 papers in these 2015 proceedings. An important topic field is the combination of simulation with optimisation techniques, especially with heuristic algorithms (simheuristics). Many papers discuss logistics topics, from intralogistics to supply chains, transport logistics and logistics of construction sites. Production planning and material management are broadly present, too. Also, simulation of manufacturing systems is in the focus, enriched by the aspect of energy consumption. Further contributions cover new methods and auxiliary procedures and systems. From the papers in these proceedings, 28 are in English and 45 in German with an English abstract.deOptimierungTransportnetzwerkIntralogistikMaterialmanagementProduktionsplanungdigitale FabrikBaustellenlogistikEnergieUnterstützungssystemLogistikerFabrikplanerMaschinenbauingenieurWirtschaftsingenieurangewandte InformatikerAngewandte Forschungapplied researchSimulation in Production and Logistics 2015conference proceeding