CC BY 4.0Santos, PedroPedroSantosRecknagel, JörgJörgRecknagelKnuth, MartinMartinKnuthSteinbacher, KlausKlausSteinbacherRitz, MartinMartinRitzWassmann, BurkhardBurkhardWassmannFellner, DieterDieterFellner2023-05-032023-05-032022 a successful decommissioning and dismantling of an NPP (Nuclear Power Plant), correct and controlled processing of all components is necessary, whereby a large part of the work relates to coated (mainly painted) steel components, which make up a significant proportion of the total inventory of the power plant to be processed. The contamination of these components is reduced by removing the surface coating using UHP (Ultra-High-Pressure) water jet blasting technology. Thus, the decontaminated material is released to be recycled conventionally after receiving clearance in accordance with Chap. 3 StrlSchV (German Federal Law Gazette 2018 No. 41: StrlSchV, 2018). The manual processing of these individual parts is cost-intensive, so that an autonomous, automated solution is more economical while increasing throughput at repeatable high quality. ROBBE aims at implementing a robot-assisted, automated and autonomous decoating procedure of component groups using UHP water jet blasting technology and implements it ata German NPP in Biblis on an industrial, productive scale.enLead Topic: Digitized WorkResearch Line: Computer graphics (CG)Research Line: Computer vision (CV)Research Line: (Interactive) simulation (SIM)Research Line: Modeling (MOD)3D-Laserscanner3D-LaserscannerDecoatingAutomationNuclear wasteROBBE - Robot-aided processing of assemblies during the dismantling of nuclear power plantsjournal article