Prinz, WolfgangWolfgangPrinzRose, ThomasThomasRoseUrbach, NilsNilsUrbach2022-08-162022-08-162022 core objective of the concept of International Data Spaces (IDS) is to enable controlled exchange and sharing of data between organizations, regardless of the type of data. Sharing of data will generate services that become an asset while data providers maintain their sovereignty. IDS furnish a technology enabler for implementing data economies to exchange data and knowledge, which are according to usage policies. Thus, data turns into an economic asset. However, once data have been provided toward IDS, sovereignty of data owners is of pivotal importance, as well as the question of its use and the transfer of incentives to providers. At this point, blockchain technology enters the ballpark. It is instrumental for the implementation and operation of clearing houses as trading platform for data provision and knowledge utilization. The aim of this chapter is to examine and discuss the role of blockchain for IDS. Next to general blockchain foundations and potentials, blockchain’s specific potential for IDS is discussed and its application is demonstrated by four compelling use cases.enBlockchain Technology and International Data Spacesbook article