Damerau, T.T.DamerauKaufmann, U.U.KaufmannKnothe, T.T.KnotheStark, R.R.StarkUlbrich, A.A.Ulbrich2022-03-042022-03-042011https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/226561Modelbased Process and Systems Modelling to accelerate innovation management - Joint research project ISYPROM. The main objective of the ISYPROM project was the tighter integration between virtual product creation and enterprise/ business process modelling to support a holistic view and optimization of product development and innovation processes. In support of this objective the project focused on the implementation of more formalised, model-based and therefore computer interpretable representations of products and their corresponding product development processes with the overlaying enterprise and business processes.de658621Modellbasierte Prozess- und Systemgestaltung für die InnovationsbeschleunigungModel-based process and system layout for the acceleration of innovationjournal article