Lutherdt, StefanStefanLutherdtBecker, FelixFelixBeckerBrandl, MichaelMichaelBrandlFaenger, BerndBerndFaengerFränzel, NorbertNorbertFränzelFremerey, MaxMaxFremereyKöhring, SebastianSebastianKöhringLawin, MeikeMeikeLawinMichaelis, AnneAnneMichaelisWeichert, FrankFrankWeichertWitte, HartmutHartmutWitte2022-03-122022-03-122014 research group ""Silver-Mobility - near-field mobility concepts for the age group 50plus"" develops concepts to support elder people with beginning or advanced loss of their personal key mobility. Also the improvements of existing systems to substitute loosen abilities like wheel-chairs are in focus of the research group. The paper gives an overview about the approaches and some resulting concepts, mainly for overcoming of obstacles with wheel-based mobility aids, for energy storing solutions and for different assistance systems for mobility aids. The main principle for all these concepts was to get know and analyze the future users, their requirements and needs and then derive solutions from these analyses. The results show the necessity to develop adaptable, individualisable and re-configurable systems.enSilver-mobility - near field mobility concepts for the age group 50+conference paper