Brünnhäußer, JörgJörgBrünnhäußerJurczok, ChristophChristophJurczokZimmermann, ThomasThomasZimmermannLarusch, TerenceTerenceLaruschKenfack Zangue, RenaudRenaudKenfack ZangueBöhnke, JacobJacobBöhnkeLünnemann, PascalPascalLünnemannLindow, KaiKaiLindow2025-01-212025-01-212024 intention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the aviation industry is generating high pressure to innovate, which is also leading to an increasing need for improvements in the development process, especially as this is already subject to major changes due to changing products and value creation systems. In the future, the development process should be more digitalized and information better integrated in order to optimize the supply of information to developers. To this end, the following article presents a digital twin for product development, which is being developed as part of a research project on cross-lifecycle integration through digital twins in collaboration with Rolls-Royce Electrical and other research partners. The focus is on describing the conception of the digital twin, which produces a concept that is as user centric as possible based on user stories in order to specifically serve existing needs. The concept of the digital twin will be developed based on the current as-is process and the existing system landscape as well as the use cases derived from the user stories and presented here.deDigitaler Zwillingdigital twinDigitalisierung ProduktentwicklungDigitale DurchgängigkeitKonzeption eines digitalen Zwillings für die Produktentstehung in der Luftfahrtindustrieconference paper