Meindl, MarkusMarkusMeindlLiu, XinjunXinjunLiuHilpert, FlorianFlorianHilpertMarciello, ValerioValerioMarcielloStasio, Mario diMario diStasioMärz, MartinMartinMärz2024-05-132024-05-132023-05 propulsion systems are considered one possibility to reach the ambitious goals of the European Union's Flightpath 2050 concerning greenhouse gas emissions and noise. This paper proposes an engineering architecture design of an electric motor for a propulsion system in a hybrid-electric regional aircraft. The project partners defined the performance requirements for the thrust of the propulsion system. The electric drive motor for the propellers was calculated and then simulated. This paper specifies the motor, with the materials possible for construction.enDesign proposal and optimization potential for an electric drive motor in a 50 PAX hybrid-electric regional aircraft applicationconference paper