Chochliouros, Ioannis P.Ioannis P.ChochliourosKourtis, Michail AlexandrosMichail AlexandrosKourtisXilouris, George K.George K.XilourisTavernier, Wouter deWouter deTavernierSanchez, Enrique AreizagaEnrique AreizagaSanchezAnastassova, MargaritaMargaritaAnastassovaBolzmacher, ChristianChristianBolzmacherTcholtchev, Nikolay VassilevNikolay VassilevTcholtchevCorsi, AntonelloAntonelloCorsiTrakadas, Panagiotis T.Panagiotis T.TrakadasMillet, MartaMartaMilletXenakis, Christos K.Christos K.XenakisImeri, AdnanAdnanImeriBellesini, FrancescoFrancescoBellesiniD’Ostilio, ParideParideD’OstilioMarkakis, AlbertosAlbertosMarkakisEngin, Ihsan BalIhsan BalEnginLitke, AntonisAntonisLitkeQuarato, Lucrezia MariaLucrezia MariaQuaratoCugat, DiegoDiegoCugatGardikis, GeorgiosGeorgiosGardikisZarakovitis, Charilaos C.Charilaos C.ZarakovitisBouilland, StéphaneStéphaneBouillandZaharis, Zaharias D.Zaharias D.ZaharisLessi, Christina C.Christina C.LessiArvanitozisis, Dimitrios N.Dimitrios N.ArvanitozisisSpiliopoulou, Anastasia S.Anastasia S.Spiliopoulou2023-09-082023-09-082023 traditional linear models have proved to be ineffective in perspective of the stagnant decision-making and inefficient data federation, the pathway onwards a European data sovereignty dictates for a sustainable and circular economy across diverse market sectors. In this scope, the EU-funded OASEES project has identified the need for a novel, inclusive and disruptive approach regarding the cloud to edge continuum and swarm programmability and also supporting multi-tenant, interoperable, secure and trustworthy deployments. In the present paper we discuss actual challenges for the management and orchestration of edge infrastructure and services to exploit the potential of edge processing. Then we discuss the concept and fundamental features of the OASEES approach together with technology challenges that are to be covered by the intended system development. We also discuss, in brief, a set of several vertical edge applications with significant market impact.en5GAIblockchaincloud hostingcompute continuumDAOdecentralized applicationsedge computingedge processingedge sharingenhanced platform awarenessMLMLOpssecure edgeswarm computingOASEES: An Innovative Scope for a DAO-Based Programmable Swarm Solution, for Decentralizing AI Applications Close to Data Generation Locationsconference paper