Schimpf, SvenSturm, Flavius2022-03-0710.10.20172017 a truly cooperative approach, the INTRAW project has recently developed three scenarios that describe the world of raw materials in 2050. After having elaborated the scenarios in a series of workshops run by the European participants of the project consortium. Participants from various nationalities and backgrounds - including researchers, policy-makers, and raw materials practitioners - had the opportunity to learn more about the scenarios, to provide their perspectives and to discuss the plausibility of alternative futures. Given the current uncertainties that global politics have to deal with, scenarios are an excellent means to prepare for the future and to safeguard against developments that are not desirable, but yet still plausible. The final scenarios, named ""Unlimited Trade"", ""Sustainability Alliance"" and ""National Walls"", are described in this publication.enRohstoffNachhaltigkeitWeltwirtschaftZukunftSzenarioThe world of raw materials 2050study