Nazemi, KawaKawaNazemiBhatti, NadeemNadeemBhattiGodehardt, EickeEickeGodehardtHornung, ChristophChristophHornung2022-03-102022-03-102007 enhance the learning success of the learners in the Virtual Learning Worlds (VLW) and effective of VLW, the aspects like precognition and learning aptitude of the learners play a key role. The constructivistic approach based VLW not only offers learning, but also great experience by exploring through reality based virtual worlds. VLWs can be extended with such a Learning Environment. They are Novices or Beginner and need more explanations and instructions to understand a topic and resolve a given problem. An Adaptive Tutoring System tries to find out the differences in precognitions and learning aptitudes and offers the learning task depending on these parameters. In the following paper a new system is designed for adapting a VLE to learners' need and presenting the learning tasks based on the recommended pedagogical approach.enintelligent training systemintelligent tutoringintelligent tutoring systemcomputer-based learningvocational training006Adaptive tutoring in virtual learning worldsconference paper