Majetta, KristinKristinMajettaClauß, ChristophChristophClaußHaufe, JürgenJürgenHaufeBlochwitz, TorstenTorstenBlochwitzLiebold, EdgarEdgarLieboldHintzen, UllrichUllrichHintzenKlostermann, VolkerVolkerKlostermann2022-03-122022-03-122015 saving energy in the building sector is more important than ever. To achieve a reduction of energy consumption and also CO2 emissions of buildings, energy efficient Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS), respectively called energy managers, are developed in the research projectenerMAT. Therefore, enerMAT creates a novel approach for simulation, optimization, and verification that will aim to design a new generation of energy aware optimized BEMS which will allow an overall cross-trade automatic control of energy flows to maintain user comfort whilst minimizing energy consumption and CO2 emission. The optimization referenced to energy uses a model-based approach with an overall building system model enabling the assessment of the energy performance for different design and operation alternatives of the energy manager in interaction with the building. This system model allows a simulation-based, energy aware, global, dynamic, multi-criterial optimization of the energy manager. In this paper, the idea, the modeling of an office building and its energy manager and different optimization studies and their results are presented.enenergy managementGreen Building LibraryFMIPSO optimization621004Design and optimization of an energy manager for an office buildingconference paper