Fellner, Dieter W.Goesele, MichaelRoth, StefanBender, JanKuijper, ArjanLandesberger, Tatiana vonTheisel, HolgerUrban, Philipp2022-03-122022-03-122014https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/385442VMV is a unique event that brings together scientists and practicioners interested in the interdisciplinary fields of computer vision and computer graphics, with special emphasis on the link between the disciplines. It offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international and interdisciplinary environment, and has done so successfully for many years.enscientific visualizationmedical applicationscomputer visiontrackinginformation visualizationVisual analyticsrenderingappearanceForschungsgruppe Semantic Models, Immersive Systems (SMIS)Forschungsgruppe Capturing Reality (CARE)Forschungsgruppe Visual Inference (VINF)006VMV 2014, Vision, Modeling, and Visualizationconference proceeding