Haiduk, FrankFrankHaidukLe, LiLiLeSchneider, AndréAndréSchneiderZeugmann, BjörnBjörnZeugmannBeyer, VolkhardVolkhardBeyerSchneider, PeterPeterSchneiderLudwig, MikeMikeLudwig2024-10-072024-10-072024https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/4769412-s2.0-85202859234The article discusses essential technical issues and solutions for the development of extremely energy-efficient, maintenance-free, self-sufficient and wireless sensor nodes for the intelligent, energy-saving control of energy consumers in buildings (lighting sources, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, shading). Compact designs, the use of simple, low-cost sensor technology and the sometimes weak energy input of the solar cells under strongly fluctuating lighting conditions place high demands on the energy management concept, which should enable guaranteed maintenance-free operation for 10 years.A system simulation for the energy management of the sensor nodes based on a discrete event simulation (DES), which is used in the project and can be implemented cost-effectively, is being discussed.In addition to estimating the achievability of the target parameters, this simulation enables the comparison of different designs and the optimization of the system.The components developed in the project will be used to test intelligent, energy-efficient lighting control in the test hall of a research building.deDesign und Anwendung wartungsfreier, autarker Sensorknoten für FunktionsgebäudeDesign and application of maintenance-free, self-sufficient sensor nodes for functional buildingsconference paper