Under CopyrightTsanakas, Ioanis (John) A.Ioanis (John) A.TsanakasLokhat, IsmaëlIsmaëlLokhatJay, ArnaudArnaudJayGregoire, ClémentClémentGregoireSchnierer, BranislavBranislavSchniererRusnak, JozefJozefRusnakDvonc, LukasLukasDvoncBarthelot, JoséphineJoséphineBarthelotMonet, ChloéChloéMonetGarcia, KevinKevinGarciaLombardero, IvánIvánLombarderoLeloux, JonathanJonathanLelouxSarr, BabacarBabacarSarrArmbruster, AlfonsAlfonsArmbrusterBor, JeffersonJeffersonBor2023-07-282023-07-282023Note-ID: 00007FDEhttps://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/446215https://doi.org/10.24406/publica-168910.1002/solr.20220058210.24406/publica-16892-s2.0-85142099606In the framework of the H2020 SERENDI-PV project, we aspire to tackle challenges in PV modelling and yield simulations, that are emerging today, on four interrelated aspects: i) improved modelling of loss/degradation mechanisms, ii) improved modelling of bifacial PV, floating PV and BIPV systems, iii) solar resource and uncertainties modelling and iv) financial risks modelling. As groundwork of this effort, we carried out a comprehensive 8-month study, the results of which are presented in this paper. The study has two parts and main objectives: i) a comprehensive survey addressed to multiple stakeholders, to identify and assess of today’s "best practices" and needs of the PV industry on PV energy yield simulations; ii) a multi-model multi-case benchmarking and evaluation study, i.e. of eight state-of-the-art tools/software for PV energy yield simulations of seven real-life PV systems addressing diverse "scenarios" (different climates, site characteristics, PV typologies and technologies).enmarket surveyphotovoltaicsPV energy yield simulationsPV modelingPV systemsState-of-play and emerging challenges in photovoltaic energy yield simulations: A multi-case multi-model benchmarking studyState-of-play and emerging challenges in PV energy yield simulations: A multi-case multi-model benchmarking studyjournal article