Bidart Sanchez, ChristianChristianBidart SanchezWichert, MartinMartinWichertKolb, GuntherGuntherKolb2022-12-062022-12-062022 recent years, there have been lively discussions in the political and scientific realms about the role of so-called power to-gas technologies in the Energy Transition and how they will contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy. There is a consensus that PtG technologies will significantly support the ambitious goals set to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In this context, Fraunhofer IMM has successfully developed a process for the catalytic methanation of CO2, which is particularly attractive to the biogas industry. Right now, the technology is in the scaling-up stage.enMethanation of CO2 via micro-structured reactors - Application through a PtG systemconference paper