Sundarapandian, BalasubramanianBalasubramanianSundarapandianKessel, MatthiasMatthiasKesselZukauskaite, AgneAgneZukauskaiteKirste, LutzLutzKirsteSun, ChengChengSunAmbacher, OliverOliverAmbacher2022-03-142022-03-142020 sputter epitaxy was used to grow AlScN/Mo/AlN stacks on Si(111) substrates. The influence of temperature on the in-plane orientation of various layers was studied using XRD pole figures and f-scans. As an alternative route to improve the quality of AlScN grown on Mo, Mo layers were annealed at various temperatures prior to overgrowth and the quality of the layers was evaluated using AFM, XRD, XRR and non-contact sheet resistance measurements.enmagnetron sputter epitaxyin-plane orientationannealingAlScNAlNMoBaWepitaxy667In-Plane Oriented Stacks of c-AlScN/Mo (110) for BAW Resonators Grown by Magnetron Sputter Epitaxyconference paper